Welcome to GeoMOD 2025!

The GeoMOD meeting is a bi-annual conference that gathers Earth Science researchers from all over the world working on analogue and numerical modelling in the Geosciences.

In 2025 the meeting will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, between 7 and 12 of September (Ice break on September 7, conference days from 8 to 10, and field trips from 11 to 12).

GeoMOD conferences bring together the world top Geoscience Modellers, constituting a privileged showcase to disseminate the most recent advances in this field, while also fully encouraging early career scientists and PhD students to present their work and ideas.

The goal is thus to promote the contact between all researchers in this area, sparking fruitful discussions and projecting exciting new ideas, contributing to a better understanding of old and new geological/geophysical processes and problems, while reporting on original (numerical and analogue) modelling methods and techniques.

GeoMOD 2025 sessions – see detailed program here

This year, during the 3 days of the conference, GeoMOD 2025 will hold the following thematic sessions: Geodynamics (session #1), Tectonics and Crustal Deformation (session #2), Earthsystems and Biogeodynamics (session #3), Planetary Tectonics and Geodynamics (session #4), Seismotectonics, Volcanotectonics and Short Time Scale Processes (session #5), and Recent Advances in Geodynamic Modelling (session #6).

Field trips – to be confirmed depending on the number of registrations

Two field trips are also projected to take place on the two days after the conference: one consisting on a geo-transect in the Ossa Morena terrane of the SW Iberian Variscan Fold Belt; and the other in the westernmost domain of the Algarve Basin (including the famous Carboniferous-Triassic “Telheiro” unconformity).

Social Events – to be confirmed depending on the number of registrations

Projected social events include the ice breaker, a community dinner, and a visit to the 1755 Great Lisbon Earthquake Museum (Quake).

We hope you’ll enjoy the conference, and we are waiting to welcome you in Lisbon in September 2025!

Signed: The local organizing committee